Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

When Does Healthy Eating Become Unhealthy?



If you want to be healthy, then eating healthy is important. That’s not rocket science.  And who doesn’t want to be healthy?  But can you go overboard? Can healthy eating or so-called “clean eating” become an obsession that is actually unhealthy? The answer is yes. You CAN take healthy eating to an extreme.  There’s even a name for it: Orthorexia. What is orthorexia and why is it important to recognize the symptoms? Listen to learn more about this unhealthy obsession with eating “clean” and healthy food, and how, rather than making someone healthier, it can actually have the opposite effect. Head over to my website, sharibroder.com, for lots of free resources (it’s one of the menus in the header and there’s a link in the show notes), including 8 Secrets for Permanent Weight Loss, a 30 Days of Conscious Eating Calendar, Podcast Think Sheets, and more!