Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

The Joys of a Healthy Relationship with Food



Which is more important to you, losing weight or developing a healthy relationship with food and eating?  For me, I resoundingly choose to have  a healthy relationship with food.  If you chose losing weight, perhaps you believe that once you drop that extra weight, all of your problems will be solved and you’ll live happily ever after. Sorry, that’s a fairy tale.  I’m not gonna lie. Losing a lot of weight feels great. But if you are still left with a dysfunctional relationship with food, a huge part of what you do every day will still be a struggle. Plus you’ll likely gain the weight back and all of your efforts will be for nothing. You see, you can lose weight, and be at your goal weight and still be overly obsessed with food. You can still be anxious about it, and waste a lot of your time and energy on it.  That’s how diet-thin people live, and frankly, it sucks. It’s also totally unnecessary. In today’s episode, I’ll discuss what a healthy relationship with food looks and feels like (SPOILER ALERT: it is t