

Do you eat on autopilot? Because it’s dinner time? Or lunch time? Or because you like the food that’s available? I used to eat for all kinds of reasons.  Sometimes, I even chose to eat because I was hungry.  But that usually wasn’t a consideration. Basically, I ate without thinking about WHY I was eating. What I didn’t realize was that the reason I was overweight and couldn’t lose it and keep it off, was because I wasn’t eating in response to my body’s need for food. You see, that’s exactly what your hunger is for: to tell you when your body needs fuel.  There is a key question to ask yourself before your start eating that will change your entire relationship with food! And it isn’t “Am I hungry?” although you should always ask yourself that. Listen to learn the key question and how it can set in motion the transformation you’ve been seeking.   If you want to become a more conscious eater, which will help you enjoy food more, overeat less, and lose weight, grab a copy of my free 30 Days of Conscious Eating Ca