Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

How to Eat Chocolate (or any foods you love)



Are you someone who believes you can’t allow yourself to eat certain foods? Can’t have them in the house or you’ll devour them immediately? Can’t trust yourself around cookies? Chips? Chocolate? I get it. I used to be that way before I ditched my lists of foods I “shouldn’t” eat. I always ended up eating those foods anyway. Don’t you? Because I knew they were forbidden, I would wolf them down, like if I ate them fast without paying attention, I wasn’t really eating them. It was so unsatisfying and sad because I had all of that food in my body, yet I barely tasted it, let alone enjoyed it. All I felt was uncomfortable afterwards. And maybe guilty and mad at myself for eating like a pig. I no longer have “forbidden foods,” and I no longer overeat. I can have any of my previously forbidden foods in the house and even forget they’re there. The good news is that you can too! You can change your relationship with food and eating so that you can eat the foods you love without overeating. You can take the power back