

Women’s bodies change throughout our lives. We go through puberty, pregnancy and childbirth, perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause. Our bodies have a brilliant, miraculous system through which they continually adapt to our changing needs. Despite how amazing our bodies are, too many of us hate ours. For some people, those feelings increase as we age.   Do you hate the way your belly or butt or face looks? Are those really your feelings, or are they the result of millions of messages you’ve heard throughout your lifetime with other people’s ideas about the way you’re supposed to look? What changes occur to our bodies in midlife and beyond? Which ones are normal and outside our control, and which ones aren’t? Listen to learn all about these changes, and how you can age in a healthy way, including how to have a positive attitude about yourself. How can you dump those idiotic messages that bombard us with impossible expectations, and learn to accept, appreciate, admire and love the body you have as it is rig