Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

How to Stop Believing Your Stories and Get Results



If you want to make peace with food and eating, and drop your extra weight, you need to stop believing the negative stories you’ve been telling yourself about food, eating and your weight. We all have these painful stories. Stories that keep us stuck. Yet most of us don’t realize that they’re only stories. We treat them like they’re the truth. What do I mean? Here are some stories people have shared with me: I can’t stop eating while I’m cooking (or cleaning up after) dinner. I can’t lose weight because I’ve tried and failed a million times. If I let myself have cookies in the house, I’ll eat them all at once. I’m addicted to . . . (whatever) You can prevent these old stories from controlling your life now. It’s time to stop giving these stories power over you. You can’t change as long as you believe them. LISTEN to learn the four steps to stop believing your painful stories so you can make positive changes and have the life and body that you deserve!