Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

How to Really Commit to Your Goals and Get Results



“Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.” ― Paulo Coelho You think you want to shed some weight REALLY badly. You’ve tried many times. But you haven’t succeeded. Or maybe you’ve lost weight only to regain it. How many times have you thought these things: “I’ll start again on Monday!” “I just can’t lose weight!” “It must be  my metabolism.” “I just have no willpower.” “I haven’t found the right diet yet.” All of those thoughts are totally off base. The reason you haven’t lost weight and kept it off is likely because: You keep going on diets, and diets do not produce permanent weight loss You haven’t fully committed to your goal. You haven’t found your compelling reason for dropping the weight. Listen to learn the steps you need to take to be fully committed to your effort to shed your extra weight. If you’re ready to learn how to break your emotional eating habit--learning