Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

What Do You Think When You Look in the Mirror?



When you look in the mirror, what do you think? Does it ever sounds like this? “I can’t wear that, I look so fat in it!” “Look at those cottage cheese thighs!” “Wow, where did all of those wrinkles and grey hairs comes from?” “I used to look so great when I was 20! What happened?” Except that at 20, you were just as critical of how you looked! When it comes to passing judgment about our appearance, is there any bigger critic than ourselves? It doesn’t have to be that way. While we can’t control what  other people think about how we look, and really should not care because that’s always about them, we CAN control how we think about our own appearance. As women, the unfortunate thing is that we are raised in a society that values our appearance above everything else and wants us to be obsessed with it. We get a  message from a very young age that it is very important to be pretty and slim. How much of your time do you spend obsessing about your weight and appearance? Have you set impossible standards for yourse