

There isn’t much that incites fear in weight-conscious people like the bathroom scale! Do you avoid the scale like the plague? Or do weigh yourself obsessively? Have you moved the scale around your bathroom to see which location gives you the “best” weight? Do you let the number on the scale mean a lot about you as a person? Does getting a “bad number” ruin your mood for the morning? The whole day? The scale doesn’t know much about you. It has no idea how kind you are, how much love you give to others, how hard your work, or how strong your legs may be. The scale knows nothing about you as a person or how the important people in your life feel about you. The scale doesn’t measure any of those meaningful things. All the scale gives you is a number. It is how you choose to think about this number that causes your distress. The good news is that you can change how you think about that number. You can dump the conditioned response of evaluating your life through the filter of pounds lost or gained. You and your l