Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

EP. 53: 11 Tips for Staying on Track



You’re trying to lose weight. You’ve been down this road so many times before. Too many. But you aren’t ready to toss in the towel. How many times have you started a restrictive diet with the hope that this will finally be the secret sauce you need to reach your goal? I know, you’re all gung-ho at first. You stay on track for a few days or maybe even a week or two, or a month, but then your resolve wanes and suddenly you’re back to eating the way you did that caused you to gain weight in the first place. You really want this to be the last time. You’d love to finally lose the weight and not have to worry about it anymore. You’d like to put your time and energy into something besides dealing with your weight! How do you stay motivated? How do you get off what I call the diet hamster wheel for good? Listen to hear 11 tips for how to stay motivated and reach that goal! If you really want to stay on track and make this your final weight loss journey, join the Weight Loss for Foodies Group coaching program! Isn’t