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Fittingbox: The future eyewear shopping experience today @ CES 2022



If you're like most people, you probably dread the idea of going to the optometrist. It's always a hassle to find time in your schedule, and then you have to deal with trying on all those glasses until you find the perfect pair. Fittingbox is changing all that. This company has developed cutting-edge technology that allows you to try on glasses virtually, in real-time. You can even do it from your desktop or mobile device!What is Fittingbox?Fittingbox is a company that specializes in Augmented Reality (AR) and frame digitization in three dimensions. They developed the "virtual mirror" technology that allows you to try on glasses virtually, in real-time. This technology is used by the largest optical and luxury groups worldwide. Fittingbox represents the largest database of three-dimensional frames. Fittingbox generates over 95 million virtual fittings per year!What are Fittingbox's products?Fittingbox develops cutting-edge optical solutions based on machine learning, computer vision, and now diminished realit