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Pixelworks: 20-year leader in image processing innovation @ CES 2022



For content creators, one of the biggest issues can be ensuring that what the end consumer hears and sees is exactly what you intended. In theaters, this problem has been mostly remedied by creating industry standards that apply across theater chains and projector manufacturers. However, as more media has moved to home viewing, the experience changes significantly, depending on the hardware being used - particularly the television. This is exactly the problem that Pixelworks is looking to solve with TrueCut Motion.Who is Pixelworks?Pixelworks is a 20-year leader in image processing innovation, providing solutions and technology that enable highly authentic viewing experiences with superior visual quality. Their products are used by some of the biggest names in the consumer electronics, professional displays, and video streaming industries. The company is committed to delivering even more impressive image processing technologies in the years to come!What is TrueCut Motion?TrueCut Motion is Pixelworks' new tech