

Today’s podcast covers precisely how to experience two (2) types of freedom that we all want: Outer Freedom and Inner Freedom. Outer Freedom is the ability to get yourself to do what you need to do—even when you don’t feel like it—in order to produce the results, outcomes, and circumstances that you want, in every aspect of your life. Inner Freedom is the ability to get yourself to feel exactly how you want to feel (happy, confident, calm, etc.), regardless of what’s happening in your life. How do you get yourself to do what you need to do–even when you don’t feel motivated to do something? When you can do things that produce results, you have outer freedom. How do you get yourself to feel the emotional and mental states that would enable you to enjoy this one life you’ve been given, even in the midst of tragedy, trauma, and forces outside of your control? When you access your ability to choose the way you feel, regardless of your circumstances, you have inner freedom. In today’s conversation, I’m going to sh