

Today we’re answering the following questions, together:  Do goals still matter, or should we just focus on being in the moment and enjoying our lives?  Or can we do both?  And if goals do matter, is there any part of the process of achieving a goal that is more important for us to focus on than the goal itself?  And if there is a part of the process of achieving our goals that deserves more of our focus, what is that and how can we harness it to achieve and experience everything we want in life?  I’ve recently overcome some struggles when it comes to setting and achieving goals, and in this episode, I’m asking questions as I explore and share how my perspective and practice has changed over time.  You’ll learn some of the pros and cons of goal setting, how to identify the real purpose of your goals (and why it’s rarely about successfully achieving them), and some simple steps on how to effectively set goals and establish effective behaviors. KEY TAKEAWAYS How goal setting can stop you from being present.