

Okay, so I’m going to start by warning you that today’s podcast episode (and this email) might be a little more “woo-woo” than you’re used to from me. :^)  I recorded today’s episode a few days ago, directly after I experienced one of the best Miracle Mornings of my life. I went deeper into meditation than I usually do, opening myself up to a message I felt I needed to receive, and got back something more direct, specific, and experiential than I expected. I felt like I was given the secret to accessing heaven on earth. And after I finished my meditation, I went out and lived it. I was able to look at myself with unconditional love, see the perfection in each moment, and be present to what came to me as the holy trinity of miracles: body + planet + spirit. I told you today’s a little woo-woo. :^)  In this episode, I encourage you to ask yourself, “What is heaven on Earth, and how can I experience it?” I also share a perspective I had as to what constitutes heaven on earth might be like, and why it may just be