

Today’s podcast episode is a blend of relevant wisdom and helpful resources that will (hopefully) add significant value to your world. I’m sharing some of my most recent insights and breakthroughs (aka wisdom) as well as some of the tools, resources, songs, movies, and books that are significantly enhancing my life right now.  My intention with today’s show is to share this wisdom and these resources to help you optimize your physical and mental well-being, to be happier, to better understand your purpose in the world, and to live your life in the present moment. KEY TAKEAWAYS The specific therapy I recently discovered that almost instantaneously cured my body after 20 years of chronic damage - and how it can help treat headaches, TMJ, and a wide variety of other conditions. What it means to elevate your consciousness and why it’s a worthwhile pursuit that transforms your life.  The valuable principles, philosophies, and practices I’ve learned from reading and re-reading Awareness by Anthony DeMello and Tran