Achieve Your Goals With Hal Elrod: Success | Productivity | Personal Development | Lifestyle | Business

371: How to Experience True Happiness (In Every Moment)



How do you define happiness? And what if you had the power to be genuinely happy, all the time, no matter what was going on in your life?  We’ve been conditioned to believe that happiness is something to be attained through achievement, success, and validation from others. Oftentimes, we make the mistake of treating happiness like it’s some sort of goal we must reach...   “If only I had more money…” “If only I had a different career…” “If only I had better relationships...” “If only I had a more… different... better…”  The truth is that happiness isn’t something you attain; it’s within you. It’s available to you 24/7, and it isn’t dependent on anything outside of you. You just need to understand how to tap into it.  In today’s episode, I’m going to give you the tools to experience true happiness — even during difficult times — and teach you how to consistently wake up every day feeling like it’s the best day of your life (because it truly can be). KEY TAKEAWAYS Redefining happiness and success – and why thes