Achieve Your Goals With Hal Elrod: Success | Productivity | Personal Development | Lifestyle | Business

283: Why “Burning Your Boats” is Terrible Advice with Tim Grahl



According to legend, Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés issued a rather interesting order to his men as they began their conquest of the Aztec empire in 1519. The order was simple: Burn the boats. He wanted his men to realize that they had no opportunity to retreat, so they had to give this fight everything they had. Failure was no longer an option and winning this battle just became that much more important. There is much debate about the legitimacy of this story, both in reference to the true intentions of Cortés and whether the actual burning took place at all. However, regardless of the accuracy in this particular case, this phrase “Burn your boats” has become popular advice in the context of business and success. In today’s episode, my friend and best-selling author, Tim Grahl, and I discuss why burning your boats may be the wrong strategy and one you want to avoid, and then we share what we believe will be a much better approach for your to take your success to the next level and beyond.   Get The