

Over the last few months, I’ve been thinking a lot about creating my Miracle Evening routine and experimenting with a few different methods. While the Miracle Morning has been all about putting yourself in peak mental, emotional, and spiritual state – first thing in the morning, I’ve found that the evening has been an amazing time to look at my life from a perspective of celebration and reflection. Doing this has had profound impacts on my life, helped me work through several major challenges I’ve faced recently, and led to more breakthroughs than I can count. In today’s episode, I take you through my exact process for manufacturing breakthroughs - where I do it, the tools I use, and how it helps me retrain my brain and work through specific issues, such as a newfound anxiety that has greatly affected me over the last few months.   Get The Full Show Notes To get full access to today's show notes, including audio, transcript, and links to all the resources mentioned, visit You can also find a