Kevin Whitsitt

Anchor Protocol! 3 Dangers?



Click on the link below for more...  Hey wutzup,   When it comes to crypto there are a lot of different ways to earn money. With something called the Anchor Protocol someone can earn 19.46% interest on a stablecoin.    A stablecoin means it's stable and usually pegged to the dollar. Think about that? That's a crazy interest rate, right?  You might be wondering what's the catch right?  There are 3 risks with this project that I wanted to talk about.  Everything is risk and reward and knowing both is a good thing.   The "largest" risk with this project is the fact it has enough money to pay out the "Anchor" interest rate at 19.46%.  You can see how the yield reserves have been slowly going down until you see a LARGE increase.    This large increase is because members voted on filling the reserve with 450 million UST from the Luna Foundation Guard, it's a fu