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418: A Different Way to Optimize Your Mornings with Radha Agrawal



Are you familiar with Daybreaker? Seven years ago, my friend Brianna Greenspan asked me if I was familiar with it (which I wasn’t). She said, “It’s amazing! It’s like a LIVE Miracle Morning!” and she described it as a 3-hour experiential event that combines a high energy dance party with meditation, yoga, affirmations, and more. Needless to say, I was intrigued! :^) So, I reached out to the founder and CEO, Radha Agrawal, in the hopes that we might explore ways in which we could collaborate. Little did I know, she was an extraordinary entrepreneur who was making a huge impact. She’s built and sold multiple 9-figure businesses, toured with Oprah, and has a Daybreaker community of over 500,000 people around the world. Today, I am very excited to bring Radha onto the podcast (for her 2nd time) so we can make an exciting announcement together about how DAYBREAKER will immediately begin integrating The Miracle Morning into their upcoming events – and you’re invited to experience it in person! BTW, If you’re intere