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FluentPet Connect: The Next Generation of Pet Text Messages @ CES 2022



If you have a pet, you know that it can be difficult to understand what they want. Their vocal capabilities are limited and tend to just be whines and similar-sounding noises. But, as all pet owners know, these animals are still very smart. They understand what we are saying and are aware of different wants and needs. So, why can't we find a reliable way of communicating with our pets? FluentPet has a solution to this problem using small buttons and recorded voices.What is FluentPet?It's been a long journey, but we're finally here. FluentPet Connect is the next generation of pet communications, and it represents a huge leap forward in our quest to connect with animals in a deeper way. With FluentPet Connect, you can capture every push of a button and send high-fidelity audio directly to your pet's Base HexTile speaker. This allows you to customize your interactions with them however you like!The compact design also means you can fit more buttons into a smaller space, and the sturdy construction discourages bi