Plughitz Live Special Events (audio) The future of natural speech recognition @ CES 2022



If you have a smart speaker, or you use the assistant on your phone, you know just how hard it can be to get it to understand what you want. Either it misunderstands what you have said or you didn't use the very robotic language it was expecting. For a person, the difference between "turn on Neon" and "power on Neon" are exactly the same, but Alexa may only understand one of them. But, with technology from, that could be a thing of the past.What is is at the forefront of natural speech recognition technology. That's why's speech recognition technology is so important. With, you can simply speak into your phone to send a text or make a call. Fluent's patented speech-to-intent technology runs fully offline in a small footprint, low power devices and can support any language or accent. This makes Fluent a perfect solution for consumer device OEMs looking to provide an intuitive and private-by-design voice user interface for any device or application!Their offline,