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Higher Orbits: Using space to engage students in STEM @ CES 2022



For generations, people across the globe have looked into the night sky and dreamed that some part of them would one day be able to go there. Over the past few years, the ability to purchase a ticket to physically travel to space has become a reality, though the costs are still incredibly high. However, for some, the ability to have a piece of their legacy in space is still a realistic possibility, thanks to the educational program at Higher Orbits Foundation.What is Higher Orbits Foundation?Did you know that there are over 1,000 satellites orbiting Earth right now? Higher Orbits uses this and other space-related facts to engage students in STEM education. They believe that space offers an infinite number of opportunities to learn, and their programs are designed to help students build the skills they need to succeed in life. Their first program (Go For Launch!) was a huge success, and they are excited to continue engaging students in science and math education!What is Go For Launch?Higher Orbits' Go For Laun