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Waverly Labs: Translation solutions for professionals @ CES 2022



When traveling internationally, one of the biggest challenges is the language barrier. But, in modern business, interacting with people in other languages has become a normal part of the process. So, how do you communicate with someone who does not speak the same language as you? That's where the Ambassador Interpreter from Waverly Labs comes in.Who is Waverly Labs?In 2014, Waverly Labs was founded by Andrew Ochoa and Sergio Del Río with a mission to make the world more open and connected. Since then, they have introduced the world's first translation earbuds, Pilot Smart Earbuds and Ambassador Interpreter, establishing the category and shipping over 50,000 units worldwide. As experts in speech translation, Waverly Labs is now introducing a suite of voice and translation solutions to meet the needs of professionals across various industries including hospitality, conferences & events, and remote work.What is the Ambassador Interpreter?The Ambassador Interpreter is Waverly Labs' latest translation solution