Harvest Eating Podcast-plant Based Vegan Recipes

The Dumpster fire That Is Government, Big Tech, Banksters-Epi 465



Show notes at https://keithsnow.com As I write this there are many signs that America and the constitution that is supposed to protect our freedoms are in serious jeopardy. No matter what institution you observe you’ll find behavior and policies that until a few years ago, did not seem feasible. In this episode, I intend to point out which of these institutions are crumbling and discuss how it affects us as citizens. I really feel for our veterans, who signed up to defend this country, and in many cases, are the most patriotic citizens we have. They must really be sad seeing what has happened to this country. I am patriotic too, but over the last few years, I have experienced a great awakening in my mind and have witnessed many others experience the same thing. Let me outline just a few of the reasons I am coming to this conclusion and why I think we need to talk about it if we are possibly going to survive what is coming. Corrupt Federal Reserve-Painted Itself Into A Corner The Federal Reserve is corrupt and