Leon La Grey Podcast

Ep.118 Joe Rogan signs exclusive deal with the Devil, Spotify, Huge Mistake!



Some days Joe Rogan from the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast has sign an exclusive deal with Spotify, the largest Audio companies in the world.  How I see this as being a big mistake joining an exclusive deal that may hurt him in the long run.  Plus Blubrry launches Private Internal Podcasting Service this Thursday. Sources:https://podnews.net/update/rogan-signs-exclusive-spotifyhttps://podnews.net/press-release/blubrry-private-internal-podcasting?utm_source=podnews.net&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=podnews.net:2020-05-21 If you like what you listened in, make sure to leave a review on today's episode or on my pervious episodes.Affiliate Links:Blubrry Hostinghttp://create.blubrry.com/resources/podcast-media-hosting/?code=LLGPODPromo Code: LLGPOD PODBEAN AFFILIATEAffiliate link for unlimited hosting planAffiliate link for business hosting plan Anyone that's looking for piracy and security is a great tool to secure your data on the go,  don't go anywhere without both.  https://virtualshield.com