Leon La Grey Podcast

Ep. 52 E3 Expo Aftermarth.... Nintendo Press has dropped big atomic surprise, I'm sold..... Nintendo!!



Today's Episodes I cover up on some of the big press conference what went on this week at E3's event. One of the big surprises that came out personally was.... Nintendo's press conference taht blown me under the sea!, plus with many E3 conference I will talk about on this episode. If you guys wanna follow me check out my social medias and website.https://www.twitter.com/leonlagreyhttps://www.snapchat.com/add/leonlagreyhttps://www.minds.com/leonlagreyhttps://gab.ai/leonlagreyhttps://mastodon.social/@leonlagreyhttps://www.instagram.com/leonlagreyhttps://www.vk.com/leonlagreyOfficial Website: www.leonlagreyshow.comHumble Bundle https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly?partner=leonlagreyDownload the Podcoin on IOS & Android. I recommend it! Once you sign up for the app make sure you use the promo code promo code: LLGREY and receive 300 podcoin when you use podcoin app!Pledge me: ko-fi.com/leonlagreyMene.com/invite/KYCdi3https://www.goldmoney.com/w/leonlagreyGoldMoney Referral Code: leonlagreyGoldSil