Kevin Whitsitt

Is Copywriting the Same as Advertising?



Click on the link below to learn more about Copywriting and Advertising.  Hey, today I want to talk about copywriting and advertising. You might be wondering if they are the same thing, how are they different.   I also want to go over why copywriting is called copywriting and share a few cool things about It that I think are awesome.    Copywriting is the art of persuading someone using the written word and advertising is the art of making someone aware of something.   You know what an advertisement is right? That annoying thing that is in the middle of a Youtube video.    They are everywhere even on Nascar racing vehicles, checkout conveyor belts, and manhole covers.  The reason advertising is important is because it can drive business growth, but it can be difficult to measure.    Copywriting is the skill set of using written words to persuade someone. There are "many" great co