

From time to time, we all tend to settle for less than we truly want and are capable of, at least in some areas of our life. Today we’re going to explore how to identify which areas you’re settling in, what’s causing you to settle, and then commit to taking simple actions that will move you forward and set a course for a Level 10 life. About six months ago, as I was journaling, I realized that I was settling for mediocrity in some of the most important areas of my life. I assessed my health, my finances, my marriage, my role as a parent, and my happiness. I felt like I was just going through the motions and stuck in a rut. So, I asked myself, “Where am I?” “Why am I settling for less?” and “What can I do to immediately move me from mediocrity to mastery in the most important areas of my life?” Today, I’m sharing a very vulnerable entry from my own journal, revealing my self-coaching process, and inviting you to improve your own life. Be prepared not just to listen and take notes, but to take action. KEY TAKEA