Show Don't Tell: Micro-budget Filmmaking

Getting Your Short Film Programmed At SXSW & Landing Distribution With Rebecca Kahn & Abishek Prasad



My guests this week are co-directors Rebecca Kahn and Abishek Prasad, whose short film Who Among Us was programmed at SXSW 2020 and gained distribution through DUST.Over the course of our chat, we cover a lot of ground - talking all about what it takes to get a short programmed at SXSW, tips for financing and producing your next short, how to navigate feedback and post-production, and so much more. We also talk about distribution options for short films, tactics for filmmakers looking to increase their creative output while balancing other work, and other critical advice for filmmakers looking to grow their careers.Who Among Us - InstagramWho Among Us - TwitterWho Among Us - FacebookWho Among Us - YouTubePudu ProductionsFor more content like this visit