Show Don't Tell: Micro-budget Filmmaking

From Concept To Production To Distribution: How I Pulled Off My Micro-Budget Feature Film PSYCHOSYNTHESIS



To celebrate the release of my feature film PSYCHOSYNTHESIS on Amazon Prime, today I am sharing a behind the scenes look at our entire process on this micro-budget indie. The film itself was made for only $25,000 in just 9 shooting days, which resulted in a highly unconventional workflow both on set and in the editing room.Throughout the episode I outline every practical step that we took to bring this film to life - starting in the very early days of concept development, all the way through to casting, prep, production, and of course post-production, distribution and beyond. While I have shared some anecdotes about the film on my blog at - I get into much more depth on each phase of the process here on today's episode, providing a blueprint for other filmmakers looking to bootstrap a feature film of their own.Watch PSYCHOSYNTHESIS On Amazon Prime In The USOr search "Psychosynthesis" on Amazon Prime Video in your countryPlease don't forget to rate and review the film on Amazon and IMDB to help u