Show Don't Tell: Micro-budget Filmmaking

Using Content To Grow A Filmmaking Brand With Tessa Markle & Carolina Alvarez of Femme Regard



This week on the show, I'm excited to be joined by Tessa Markle and Carolina Alvarez - known for their awesome podcast: Femme Regard. I was fortunate enough to be a guest on their show last year and had a blast, and this time around they're joining me on Show, Don't Tell to discuss all things indie film.I really wanted to hear about Tessa and Carolina's experience building an online brand. This is a path that is becoming increasingly critical for filmmakers to explore in order to have autonomy over their work and careers. Over the course of our discussion we talk about this topic at length, outlining how every filmmaker can leverage original content as a means to grow their brand.Links from the show:Femme Regard ProductionsFemme Regard On InstagramFemme Regard On TwitterFor more content like this visit