Show Don't Tell: Micro-budget Filmmaking

Embracing The Creative Process With "Rebel Without A Crew" Director, Josh Stifter



For this week’s interview, I am joined by Josh Stifter - An incredibly talented, multi-faceted filmmaker who recently appeared on Robert Rodriguez’s Rebel Without A Crew Series. As part of the show, Josh was given $7000 and 14 days to make a feature film with no crew… And he pulled it off.Over the course of our discussion, Josh outlines his experience making his movie under such unusual circumstances, and the many lessons learned along the way. From there, we discuss the importance of embracing the creative process, what it’s like to leave your 40 hour a week job to pursue filmmaking full time, the business side of being a filmmaker, and much more.Links from the show:http://joshstifter.com more content like this visit