Show Don't Tell: Micro-budget Filmmaking

How a 2 Person Crew Made a Feature Film For $11,000



It’s always so inspiring to hear about filmmakers that are truly able to make something from nothing, and that’s very much the case with our guest today - Rebecca Weaver. With a production budget of only $11,000 and a crew of only 2 (Rebecca and her boyfriend, Chris), the filmmaking duo was able to pull off a successful feature film that spanned several months of production and later went on to tour the festival circuit.In the true spirit of micro-budget filmmaking, Rebecca not only wrote and directed the feature, but also starred in it. Throughout the interview, she discusses how she was able to juggle so many different roles without sacrificing her vision, and what she ultimately learned from the process as a whole. She also shares her experience with film festivals, outlining how she was able to successfully get her feature - June Falling Down - accepted into 15 different festivals, picking up several awards along the way.Links from the episode can be found