Show Don't Tell: Micro-budget Filmmaking

Creative Distribution Options For Micro-Budget Filmmakers With Liz Manshil



Micro-budget filmmakers often put a tremendous amount of effort into production and post, but tend to lose steam when it comes time to distribute their work. Unfortunately, this means that many great films never find an audience, and end up collecting dust on a shelf rather than generating income for the filmmakers behind the project.On today’s episode, Noam interviews Liz Manashil, the talented filmmaker behind the micro-budget feature film Bread and Butter. Liz is also the manager of the Creative Distribution Initiative at Sundance Institute, which has given her a tremendous amount of insight on the distribution process, especially with regards to micro-budget productions. Over the course of the interview, Liz shares her wealth of knowledge on all things distribution, sheds light on her strategy with her own feature film, and outlines Sundance’s Creative Distribution Initiative - explaining how she plans to use it to champion micro budget productions.You can learn more about Liz on her website at www.lizman