But I Don't Wanna Be A Secondary Character! - A Seinfeld Podcast

The Raincoats (S5E18-19)



This week Ivan and Stephen become Big Brothers and sell off moth ridden cruisewear as they talk about the secondary characters from Season 5 two parter The Raincoats. Topics covered include Schindler’s List, Seinfeld illustrations in Melbourne cafes, Paris, and the Big Brother program; Seinfeldisms (from 4:15), Seinfeld News (from 11:17), episode trivia (from 21:14); secondary characters Aaron the Close Talker (from 24:51), Rudy (from 36:40), Alec and Joey (from 44:17), and Mr Goldstein (from 55:25) Where will the episode and/or any of the secondaries appear in our list of the greatest episodes and characters of all time? Listen and find out! — Sign up to our Patreon page for early access to BIDWBASC, exclusive access to bonus podcasts 'Curbcast Seasons 2 and 3’ and ‘Season 11', as well as other bonus content! Head over to patreon.com/bidwbasc to sign up. You can also support us with a one-off donation on Paypal at paypal.me/mishmashmedia Your donations will help keep the show going. Find us on Facebook