

This week we give away our Armani suits for a meal at Mendy’s and say ‘Pardon?’ as we talk about the secondaries from Season 6’s The Soup! We talk about the late Charles Levin, OzBargain, Chariots of Fire, when to pull the ‘I have a boyfriend’ card during a bad date, and the dark side of Kenny Bania; Seinfeldisms (from 4:10), Seinfeld News (from 7:16), episode trivia (from 16:41); secondaries including Simon (from 18:09), Kelly (from 25:28), a little bit about Kenny Bania (from 38:47), and Hildy (from 41:50), as well as Listener Mail (from 48:18). Where will the episode and/or any of the secondaries appear in our list of the greatest episodes and characters of all time? Listen and find out! -- Support us on Patreon and Paypal! Your donation will help keep the show going. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, Reddit and Twitter. You can email us, too. Listen, download, subscribe to and review us wherever you get your podcasts. Follow Stephen’s new Seinfeld Facebook group, ‘Seinfeldisms’, here. -- Seinfeld Ne