

Happy new Millennium! (Season 8, Episode 20). Get your Mayan clothing on and party like it’s 2000 (or 2001) with Ivan and Stephen for another week of BIDWBASC. This week’s characters include Valerie, Mrs Hamilton, Gladys, Minkel and Mooney and HE Pennypacker (from 17:32). Mmmmm Machu Picchu! Have we gained a cult following in Germany after last week's Seinfeld News segment?, Newman 'squawks', Jerry hits payday with Netflix and helps out his mate Dave Chappelle, a couple of speed dial facts and its implications on friendships (Ivan would be Stephen's number 1 preset, take that Stephen's friendship circle!) and Ivan explains the plot for The Graduate to Stephen, here's to you Mrs Robinson. ------- We're on Patreon, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit and Facebook. You can email us, too. Listen, download, subscribe and review us wherever you get your podcasts.  Support the show.