Weather Hype

Episode 57: Be the #WxTwitter You Want to Be (w/ Dakota Smith and Becky DePodwin)



#WxTwitter. It's a fascinating social media community made up of meteorologists, weather enthusiasts and people who just want to talk about all things weather. WxTwitter is a space for collaborative ideas, sharing weather photos and videos and networking. But like any community, there was bound to be disagreements in opinion and clashing of ideas. We had an episode dedicated to WxTwitter a couple years ago exploring this online community. Now we're looking at how this niche social media world has evolved, and some of the benefits and challenges it presents to the social fabric of meteorology, especially with our next generation of meteorologists. We're joined by Becky DePodwin and Dakota Smith, two people who are very active and very familiar with the wonderful world of WxTwitter. In a candid and honest conversation, we'll dive into our own experiences on the digital platform and look at ways we can successfully coexist while bringing out the best in each other. Modifications were made for the Introduction an