Kevin Whitsitt

Cool Unique Shit about Near Protocol?



Click on the link below for 5 challenges with this project!  Hey wutzup guys.   I wanted to talk about the NEAR Protocol and what makes it cool and different, just the name sounds super boring right?   NEAR Protocol.   Mostly because I was curious about it and I'm a nerd that way. Just wanted to share a few cool stuff.   The NEAR Protocol is a blockchain that runs smart contracts on it such as Ethereum you know the top dog.   What the hell makes NEAR special?  One of the unique things about it is something called sharding, which is does well.    You could think of sharding as eating a pizza with 8 slices. Instead of you eating the pizza by yourself you got 7 of your friends to help.   By having your friends each eat a slice you would be done MUCH quicker right?   Sharding works the same way by splitting the work between different validator nod