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#388 Dr Rafa Euba: The Truth About The "Happiness" Industry



Does happiness even exist? Dr Rafa Euba doesn't think so. He is a consultant psychiatrist, based in London, born in the Bask Country, Spain and after qualifying in Medicine, he became a psychiatrist in England. He has worked in many different settings, from exclusive clinics to slums, and his work on depression moved him to write a book on how we are not designed to be happy, called "You are not meant to be happy. So stop trying!" It is such an interesting book, looking at the myths of happiness, how our brains are not designed to keep us happy 24/7, the smoke and mirrors of self-help positive thinking industries, and how mixed and contradictory our emotions can be. I hope you enjoy this conversation and feel intrigued to pick up a copy of his book!LINKS:Join my Substack community and come and say hi! https://thehyphen.substack.com/Buy DISCONNECTED here: https://uk.bookshop.org/a/153/9781529373127Buy Dr Rafa Euba's book HERE: https://www.amazon.co.uk/You-meant-happy-stop-trying/dp/1913613038/ref=tmm_pap_swatc