Harvest Eating Podcast-plant Based Vegan Recipes

Out of Stockalypse, CCP Lockdown to Cripple US Critical Industries and Infrastructure.



While many are focused on the Johnny Depp trial, Monkeypox, or other non-events much of the world, including the United States is entering into what I’ve coined “The Out Of Stockalypse!” Across most industries, American companies large and small are experiencing out of stocks at a rate never before seen in our history. I cannot understate the colossal challenges we are now facing that will be our reality for some time. On March 28th, China locked down the biggest cities and ports in the world under the guise of a Coronavirus outbreak (more on that later) that has crippled global manufacturing and shipping resulting in a critical shortage of parts and materials. The CCP has locked down over 26 million citizens in the most important manufacturing regions in China. Ports in Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Ningbo were shuttered. Since we’re extremely dependent on China to supply everything from prescription drugs to car parts to foodstuffs, to industrial components (pumps, switches, hoses, belts, etc) to plumbing parts,