Harvest Eating Podcast-plant Based Vegan Recipes

We Face Many Crippling Situations, All At Once!



So many people I speak with say the same thing “ I can’t recognize this country anymore” and I believe they’re right. We currently face so many overlapping challenges that I fear things will get much worse before possibly getting better. I know it’s depressing to think about, but we need to address and face these issues to help get through them together and protect our families and NOT be caught off guard like so many mothers needing infant formula they cannot find. Never before in our history has so much been so wrong at the same time. In 2008 when the great recessions came, we did not have inflation this high or energy prices this high, or a crumbling supply chain. Most of these problems feed off one another. Inflation makes people turn to crime. Empty shelves encourage hoarding and so on. The future has never looked this bleak in my opinion then it does right now. Here is my list of these challenges, in no particular order….. An illegitimate Regime running the government into the ground-killing the econo