Harvest Eating Podcast-plant Based Vegan Recipes

472-Basic Mayonnaise Recipe



Show notes are here! I get a lot of inquiries regarding making mayo or Aoli as it’s also referred to. This is so simple and makes a better product than just about all store-bought mayonnaise. While this is basic, the exact same method can be altered by using flavorings such as garlic, lemon zest, fragrant herbs such as dill, tarragon, basil, thyme, etc. The other point which is important to mention is that just about all commercial mayonnaise is made using GMO mono-crop seed oils which IMO are not the most healthy to eat. There is avocado oil mayo in the market but some (like my family) find it to be off-tasting and not as good as say…Dukes! Save $25 off Food Storage Feast.com membership-save25