Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Hi Gang:  Happy Friday! This evening we will consider my two most recent articles. FrontPage Magazine published my latest article on June 8, 2022:Sanctuary Cities Now Provide Sanctuary For Deadly Illegal Drugs- The NYC Health Dept. shows how to use them “safely” and on June 6, 2022 US Incorporated published my article: Biden Seeks End to Title 42 While Closing Federal Training Center Because of COVID. We will also consider the June 8, 2022 Associated Press article: San Francisco ousts liberal DA Chesa Boudin in heated recall. Violent crimes have surged across America, particularly in cities controlled by the Radical Left.  While there have been calls for gun control however, we need to gain control over criminals and that begins with effective law enforcement. It has never been more important that we truly learn how to speak with our fellow Americans in non-confrontational but in fact-based effective and persuasive ways.  Immigration is one issue that should unite all Americans- if all of the facts were