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Infāque: An easy way to give regularly to your favorite charity



Do you want to make a difference in the world but don't know how? Infāque is the perfect solution for you! It is a digital engagement and giving platform that makes it easy for donors to contribute on a recurring or ad-hoc basis to their favorite nonprofits. With Infāque, it has never been easier to make a difference!What is Infāque?Infāque is a digital engagement and giving platform that makes it easy for donors to contribute on a recurring or ad-hoc basis to their favorite nonprofits. With the platform, donors can easily set up recurring donations or make one-time contributions to a nonprofit organization of their choice. Additionally, it provides donors with the ability to see how their donation is being used by the nonprofit, as well as receive updates on the impact of their donation.Why use Infāque?There are many reasons why you should use Infāque to donate to your favorite charity. First, the system makes it easy for you to donate on a regular basis without having to remember to do so each time. Simply