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AdHash's case for first-party data: Why you should own your data



It's no secret that data is one of the most valuable commodities in today's economy. Advertisers and publishers have long fought over who should control this precious resource, but there is a new player in town that is changing the game: AdHash. AdHash believes that advertisers should own their data, and for the first time, they can collect and store campaign performance data directly on their servers. This means no more data loss, discrepancies, or theft. Advertisers now have complete transparency into where their data is stored and how it is being used.What is AdHash?AdHash is a decentralized AdTech platform that cuts out the middlemen to bring efficiency, trust, and privacy to digital advertising. The platform makes transparency the default state of digital advertising. This means that advertisers can see exactly where their ads are being shown, who is seeing them, and how much they are paying for each impression.AdHash also allows advertisers to collect first-party data directly from users with consent. T