

Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation.I will be honored throughout the world.” This iconic verse can be directed either to the enemies of God’s people or to God’s people themselves as we’ll take a look at. The verse implies a stoppage of fighting, raging, striving, or operating out of human strength alone and relaxing as we watch the Lord fight on our behalf.  God is essentially saying, “Lay down your arms and surrender. No more defensiveness or resistance to the plans I have…let ME be God.” We’ll also refer to Exodus 14:10-14 and Isaiah 37:33-36 as we look at this concept of being or standing still. If you’re experiencing resistance in your writing, you are not alone! You have an army of fellow Kingdom writers beside you and, most importantly, you have the God of the universe going before you to fight on your behalf! The Power of Having a Weekly Business Meeting with God Learn the simple steps you can take to implement a weekly business meeting with God. This