Zoomer Week In Review

Escaping Afghanistan & The Canadian Medical Association President-elect



Canada has ended its airlift mission from Afghanistan but Ehsan Saadat, his wife, and four children are among the lucky ones who got out in time. Their escape to Canada had to be kept a secret even from immediate family members because the mission was just too dangerous. The 33-year-old researcher on women's rights put him at risk, but just days after applying to come to Canada the family of six boarded a plane just seven days before the country fell to the Taliban and are starting their new lives in Kitchener. AND Once told he would never graduate high school, Dr. Alika Lafontaine is set to become the first ever indigenous president of the Canadian Medical Association next year. He struggled in school but credits his success to mentors along the way, including his parents and siblings. After witnessing systemic racism in Canadian health, the Grande Prairie Alberta anesthesiologist created an app where patients can anonymously report racism.